Of those who were no longer Facebook friends, 70 per cent admitted using a mutual friend's profile to check on their ex. 而对于那些分手后解除了Facebook好友关系的人,当中有70%承认他们会借用某个共同好友的账号来查看前任的主页。
To configure this Send connector to attempt to establish a mutual TLS connection with a remote server, select this check box. 若要将此发送连接器配置为尝试建立与远程服务器的相互tls连接,请选中此复选框。
Mutual Check of Angular Deviation for Polygonal Prism and Angle Dividing Table 多面棱体和多齿分度台角分度误差的互检
Most of the time, mutual interest has kept the tensions in check. 大多数时候,共同利益会让紧张维持在可控范围内。
The design of management control for construction projects is discussed based on the main principle of control theo-ry. The aim is to have developed internal mutual check and constraint mechanisms to provide the basic tool for construction project control management for the purpose of optimal control effectiveness. 根据控制理论的基本原理,对工程项目进行管理控制的设计,目的是从系统内部形成互相牵制、互相制约的机制,提供项目控制管理工具和手段,以获得建设项目的最佳控制目标。
This paper pointed out the definition, function, structure, classification and mutual relationship of check and balance mechanism of NBA. 论证了NBA制衡机制的定义、功能、结构、分类及其相互间的关系,构建了NBA制衡机制理论的全貌。
The indenture is a mutual check relationship that is signed on the condition of reaching agreement between two sides with written or oral form affected by law or regulations. 契约是在双方意愿一致的情况下以书面或口头的形式形成的一种有法律、法规等相互制约的关联关系。